People with vaginas, it’s time we finally discuss the 411 on the vagina-vulva divide. What’s the big deal with the nitty-gritty terminology around your lady bits?
Because, like me, you’ve probably been confusing your vagina and vulva your entire life.
Vajene, flower, vaj, I’ve heard them all, but vagina has (mistakenly) emerged as the frontrunner among my clients. It seems to be the more palatable genitalia reference over its counterpart, the vulva.
It’s no wonder! Growing up, many girls were given too little information about anatomy. Luckily, I cleared up that piece of misinformation sooner than later, but one reference that did stick was calling my magical lady parts vagina.
Trust me, I get it. You’ll call your love button whatever you want to call it. But have you ever wondered about the difference between the two? Or why it even matters? How can we expect women to make the most informed choices for themselves and be body-aware when they don’t have the basics down? Here’s why you may want to care more about it: when you understand the difference, you can better tend to your body’s health and pleasure needs.
My partnership with Kolorex on the #LoveYourLadyBits movement sparked me to delve further into my clients’ understanding of terminology around their lady parts. Kolorex has been supporting and empowering women to make their vaginal health a priority, specifically around a ‘vaginal care’ product line – or ‘vulva’ care product line (if you want to show off and get really anatomically correct).
“I Get It. But I’m Still Going To Say Vagina.”
A Kolorex study suggested that more women are too uncomfortable to even say the word “vulva” – and that’s okay! Even if you’ve created your own ~alternate~ word because you just can’t get comfortable with “vulva” or want an option that’s not quite so clinical, it’s ultimately your call.
And What Exactly is a Vulva?
The word “vulva” is a correct catch-all term for all of the external organs found on or around your pubic bone, including the mons pubis (or pubic mound), labia majora, and minora which make up almost everything we call inner flesh down there; the all-important clitoris, the external openings of the urethra (a.k.a, pee hole), and the vagina.
So What’s a Vagina?
Well, for one, an amazing wonderland for all things beautiful. It’s the muscular canal that connects the uterus to your vulva and also houses menstrual blood flow (and baby passageways).
Easy, right? That’s essentially the difference. The word that covers your internal anatomy and a term for your external anatomy.
So let’s be clear: how you refer to your body is a personal decision. If you’re into the vulva, fantastic; if not, that’s cool, too. Wherever you lie on the vagina vs. vulva party train is up to you; however, now you’re just a little more empowered with both bits of knowledge.
Melissa Vranjes
Certified Holistic Sex & Cycle Coach